Simply Daily Puzzles

Coffee Break Cryptic

4 January


7Season of mellow fruitfulness? (1,4,3,3)
8Dark times - but things have altered (6)
9Scandinavian taking a short run round Ulster (6)
10Aprons designed for clergyman (6)
12Airborne youth leader gets cast out (6)
13Sheep found in sewer (3)
14River, lake and country (6)
16Making a cat sit still (6)
18Starfish (6)
20Frail, but part of the business? (6)
22List composed by crazy mountaineer (11)


1A country farm, a little part (4)
2Dismounts for the illuminations (6)
3Thought logically about a red nose (8)
4Caught boy getting dressed (4)
5Quarrel with little Barnabas (6)
6He and I are joined by odd links, making capital (8)
11Diagnose suffering (8)
12Celebration may be fast and live (8)
15A lot of sailors, we hear, accumulate (6)
17The raffia-weaving business? (6)
19Let it remain as typescript's first laid out (4)
21Call the band (4)