Simply Daily Puzzles

Coffee Break Cryptic

5 January


1One who grows red with anger, perhaps (8)
6Fish found in wheelbarrows (3)
9An audience for bingo? (5)
10Gin with battered fish (7)
11It's tiresome wandering outside (7)
13We must be in a group - it's adorable (5)
14Consented to produce article on avarice (6)
15Friend joins expert in grand house (6)
18No arm twisted in policeman's territory (5)
20Storing bits of pine in a small cask (7)
21A walker? That's right, a walker (7)
22Be in bird country (5)
23Taking the first left, I would go behind cover (3)
24Find record finished (8)


2Separated, as below (7)
3Money, we hear, for a female deer (3)
4We sent out the most up-to-date (6)
5Put back in control, say? (9)
6The best part of Chinese literature (5)
7Boxers - people of little importance (12)
8Butterfly's innocent officer (5,7)
12Rude lover may be countermanded (9)
16Being of a sweet and friendly disposition, I question my proficiency (7)
17Goes round in women's clothing (6)
19No crazy wanderer (5)
22One less than a crowd? (3)