Simply Daily Puzzles

Coffee Break Cryptic

14 February


7Naval officer never found at the front? (4,7)
8Twins finding stone in island (6)
9His map is incorrect, causing an accident (6)
10Spoil drink that's made by the border (6)
12Singers in church or you and me (6)
13Caught with ducks that sound like doves? (3)
14Indian father in pain (6)
16Get man to repair an attractive thing (6)
18Enclosure for fuel entered by Rolls-Royce (6)
20Herdsman finding river in port (6)
22Actor seen to replant garden shrub (11)


1A Canadian lake - before one plunged in (4)
2Detesting a night that's wild (6)
3The virtue of a solo game (8)
4I'm a leader of Muslims (4)
5Painting forces in conflict (6)
6Entreaty certain to give satisfaction (8)
11Draw near a very quiet fish (8)
12Joker with trick taking in the press, TV, etc. (8)
15Clergyman a dog devoured (6)
17Cave where King George met German emperor (6)
19The country is alight (4)
21Peer almost ahead of time (4)