Simply Daily Puzzles

Coffee Break Cryptic

22 February


1Happen to arrive at way through mountains? (4,2,4)
7Plant that's the result of poor drainage (8)
8Gets on for a good while (4)
9Chap upset by cold rage (4)
10Retreating supporters? (7)
12Support receptions for the untravelled (4-2-5)
14Glad to have piano let out (7)
16Floppy disk for children (4)
19Crazy railway engine (4)
20Net diver turned upside down (8)
21The duke may put his foot in it (10)


1Heat tea with iron (5)
2Wine, round cheese, and fresh air (7)
3Nurse in attendance (4)
4Egyptian kings of North Atlantic islands, we hear (8)
5Bright chap having friendly fight with king (5)
6Game for first of threes and nines st sixes and sevens (6)
11Stuff that is relevant (8)
12Fish for Sally on Monday (6)
13Ragtime composition for Simenon's detective (7)
15Sailor takes poem home (5)
17Severe if back on board (5)
18Quite flat (4)