Simply Daily Puzzles

Coffee Break Cryptic

24 July


Wan publican's first drink (4)
Circus performers with fleece in a musical (8)
Take back religious education pamphlet (7)
10 Flower beheaded more quickly (5)
11 Five plus one for each adder (5)
12 Invisible nun wandering around diocese (6)
14 Tomfoolery? Not for leaders in Civil Service (6)
16 Prize required for astrophysicist (6)
19 River possibly making a U-bend (6)
21 Glendower's land heard plaintive cries (5)
24 Frank almost gets sharp (5)
25 Evil ruler going under (7)
26 Singer turning into bear (8)
27 Small crudely built house is closed (4)


South American rave-up in ruins (8)
Tulip may be illuminated (3,2)
Stop copper and solicitor (3,3)
Old friends providing gems (5)
New part, new port (7)
Son's beginning to anger father (4)
Material contained in half a brick (6)
13 I mention sound or vision (8)
15 Rough terrain for coach (7)
17 Quarreling — or turning up on side (6)
18 Time to add salt and pepper? (6)
20 Raised collection when in distress (5)
22 Girl with head of hair like a leprechaun? (5)
23 Youngster devouring hot fish (4)