Simply Daily Puzzles

Daily Quick Crossword

15 April 2021


7Plotter (11)
8Breathe in (6)
9Be ready for (6)
10European country (6)
12One of the planets (6)
13Sick (3)
14Chaffed, teased (6)
16Be unsteady on one's feet (6)
18Owing money (2,4)
20Extremely small (6)
22Engagement (11)


1Scrutinise (4)
2Capital of Turkey (6)
3Glorious (8)
4At liberty (4)
5Imaginary ideal place (6)
6Break (8)
11Eastern (8)
12Final (8)
15French channel port (6)
17Offer (6)
19Neat (4)
21Ballet dancer's skirt (4)