Simply Daily Puzzles

How To Play Sudoku Online

Entering Digits

To enter a digit, simply click on the square in which you want to begin typing.

'Restore' Button

Clicking on this button will clear all the answers you have entered in this session, restoring the puzzle to the last saved version, if one exists, or else to the initial version.

'Reveal Digit' Button

Clicking on this button will insert the correct digit for the currently selected square.

'Solution' Button

Clicking on this button will display the complete solution.

Printable Puzzle

If you prefer to solve the puzzle with pencil and paper, click on the Printable Puzzle link, and print out that page from your browser.


The optional timer may be used to monitor the time it takes you to solve the puzzle. If required, the timer may be dragged to a different position on the screen.

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